More and more Australian couples these days are choosing the truly spectacular settings that are are available in exotic locations like Thailand, Malaysia and Bali for their wedding and honeymoon combined – and coming home to a very special set of distinctive pictures to keep as a memory of a very special time.


Sydney has specialist photographic companies with photographers who are used to working in overseas locations with the skills to produce truly creative and unusual pictures, whether the choice is for candid or formal shots.


It is important for the couple to discuss what they want thoroughly with the photographer so that they are able to find the best locations to fit the style of pictures the couple wants.


The small Indonesian island of Bali is one popular overseas wedding and honeymoon destination accessible easily from Australia. It is possible to drive round the entire island in just one day,


Ask travellers who have been there about their time in Bali  means to them and there are likely to be as many different responses as there are petals on a flower.


From the bright green of the rice terraces to the wonderful ribbons of beaches, enchanting temple ceremonies to traditional dance performances the settings and locations are stunning.


Choose from mellow beach towns like Amed, Lovina and Pemuteran round the coast or get away completely to the just offshore is the island of Nusa Lembongan with a population of just 7000 people and has no cars or motorcycles to interrupt the peace and tranquility.


Central Bali is the island’s cultural heart and mostly known for the artistic and cultural capital of Bali in Ubud, where there are many cultural dance performances and a wide variety of places to browse for the area’s arts and crafts for a souvenir of the honeymoon.


Among the most famous dances is the Barong or "lion dance" which is a ritual dance depicting the fight between good and evil, with performers wearing fearsome lion-like masks.


Bali has everything, from its mountains and lakes around Bedugul to one of the most photographed and elaborate temples, including Pura Ulun Danu Bratan (Lake Bratan Temple) perhaps the most photographed temple on the island and is one of Bali’s great iconic images of Bali. It is on the western shore of Lake Bratan and looks as though it is floating on the lake.


This is a beautiful, culturally rich and tranquil island and the perfect setting for a romantic wedding and honeymoon.

Deyan is a professional Wedding Photography Sydney services Provider from Australia.


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